Tagalog: Pandakaki-puti
- Common in thickets at low altitudes.
Parts utilized
- Leaves.
- Eczema: Boil 3 cups of chopped leaves in one gallon of water for 10 minutes; add 2 gallons of hot water.Also, fry the fresh leaves in oil and apply to itchy skins lesions for symptomatic relief.
- Wound healing: Leaf juice.
- Hot Foot Baths: A local immersion bath covering the feet, ankles and legs used for a variety of conditions: To relieve head, chest and pelvic congestion; to stop nosebleeds; to relieve spasms and pains of feet and legs; to induce sweating; to relieve menstrual cramps and headaches.
- Leaves applied as cataplasm on abdomen to hasten childbirth.
- Erectile dysfunction: Recent use as “herbal viagra.” Boil 15-25 leaves in 3 glasses of water for 10 minutes; drink the decoction. (Note: Like many of the herbal medicines touted as “herbal viagra,” kampupot use is rural folkloric with no known scientific or pharmacologic basis for its claim.)
- Decoction of root and bark used for a varitety of stomach and intestinal ailments.
- The white sap of the stem is applied to thorn injuries and to hasten the surfacing of the thorn fragment.
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