- Widely distributed in the Philippines in and about towns, sometimes in open waste places and sometimes planted.
- Native of India.
- Now pantropic.
- Rhizome, leaves.
- Collect the whole year round.
- Rinse, removes roots, section into pieces, steam and sun-dry.
- Active constituents are flavonoid curcumin (diferuloylmethane) and various volatile oils, including tumerone, atlantone, and zingiberone.
- Volatile oil, 3-5% - tumerol (alcohol), d-alpha phellandrene, carvone, camphor, curcumone; fat, 3%; starch, 30%; resin; curcumin (pigment).
- Yields three curcuminoids - curcumin (diferuloylmethane, the primary constituent, responsible for the vibrant yellow color), demothoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin - plus volatile oils (tumerone, atiantone and zingiberone), sugars, proteins, and resins.
- Yellow orange color comes from yellow pigment in the rhizomes called curcumin.
- A good source of phosphorus and iron; but hardly a fair source of calcium.
- Pungent and bitter tasting, warming, carminative.
- In Chinese medicine, believed to Improve Ch'i circulation.
- Studies have demonstrated various therapeutics effects: antioxidant, antiinflammatory, cholesterol-lowering, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, immunomodulatory, hepatoprotective, and anticarcinogenic activity.
- Antiinflammatory activity has been compared to topical hydrocortisone.
- Antiseptic, anti -contusion, antibacterial, antifungal.
- Aromatic, stimulant, tonic, cordial, emmenagogue and astringent.
- Rhizomes are used medicinally, as powder, paste, ointment, oil, lotion, inhalant, and confection.
Culinary / Nutritional
- Condiment, ingredient of curry powder, and coloring for food.In dried or powdered form, used like ginger.
- Good source of phosphorus and iron, a fair source of calcium.
- Rhizomes commonly sold in Manila markets. dried
- In Java, flour is made from the plant is the same way as cassava and arrowroot, used for all kinds of dainties.
- Decoction of rhizome, as tea, used for fevers, dysentery, abdominal pain, flatulence, abdominal spasm, arthritis.
- In the Philippines, rhizomes with coconut oil used as stomachic and vulnerary.
- Internally, juice of fresh rhizome used as anthelmintic.
- Used for menstrual irregularities, contusions and associated painful swelling.
- Antiseptic for wounds: Crush rhizome and apply to wounds.
- Externally, rhizomes are applied to insect bites, ringworm, bleeding.
- A 1:20 decoction used in catarrhal and purulent ophthalmia.
- In India, used as antiseptic for cuts. Used for leprosy, liver problems, swelling, insect bites, wounds, whooping cough, pimples. Sweetened milk boiled with tumeric is popular as a remedy for colds and cough. Juice of fresh rhizome used externally on wounds, bruises and leech-bites.
- Tumeric paste mixed with a little lime and saltpeter is applied hot to sprains and bruises.
- For smallpox and chicken pox, coating of tumeric powder or thin paste applied externally to facilitate scabbing.
- Paste made from flowers used for ringworm and other parasitic skin infections.
- Ointment used in neuralgia and rheumatism.
- Rhizomes with coconut oil used as stomachic and vulnerary.
- Rhizome used for intermittent fevers, flatulence,, dyspepsia.
- In Ayurveda, use as stomach and liver tonic and blood purifier.
- Malays use it as carminative and for dispelling flatulence.
- In China used for colic, amenorrhea, congestions.
- Fumes of burning turmeric used as inhalation in catarrh and severe head colds.
- For flatulence in children, used with garlic or onions.
- Used as carminative and antispasmodic, and in diarrhea and dysentery.
- Dye: Tumeric is one of the best known of material dyes, used for dyeing silk, wool and cotton. Rhizomes used for dyeing mats in the Philippines.
- Cosmetic: In Sudan, rhizome used as cosmetic.
- Improves Qi (chi) circulation. Chi is the basis of traditional Eastern medicine. In chinese parlance, chi means 'spirit.' In new-age speak, good health is synonymous with free-flowing energy through meridian pathways. A blocked Qi flow is associated with disease or ill-health.
- Approved by German health authorities for the treatment of dyspeptic complaints.
- Recent uses and preparation
- Ointment: Wash the unpeeled ginger. Chop the rhizomes to fill half a glass of water. Sauté with one glass of coconut oil on low heat for five minutes. Place in a clean bottle and label.
- Antiseptic for wounds: Extract juice of the fresh rhizome and apply directly on the wound or swelling.
- Gas pain in adults: Decoction from thumb-sized rhizome in a glass of water reduced to half.
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