English: Horse raddish tree
Tagalog: Malunggay
Scientific name: Moringa oleifera Lam.
Malungay is a tree found throughout the Philippines. It is a common vegetable found in the market. They are a rich source of calcium and iron. The leaves are purgative, and diuretic.
- As high as 9 m; has a soft, white wood and corky, gummy bark. Root has the taste of horseradish. Each compound leaf contains 3-9 very thin leaflets dispersed on a compound (3 times pinnate) stalk. Flowers white and fragrant, producing long, pendulous, 9-ribbed pods. 3-angled winged seeds.
- Introduced from Malaya or some other part of tropical Asia in prehistoric times. Grown throughout the Philippines in settled areas as a backyard vegetable and as a border plant. Drought resistant and grows in practically all kinds of well-drained soils. Conserves water by shedding leaves during dry season.
- Propagation by seeds and stem cuttings.
Galactagogue, rubefacient, antiscorbutic, diuretic, stimulant, purgative.
Grown throughout the Philippines as a vegetable or border plant.
Parts utilized
Flowers, leaves, young pods
- Ben oil, 36% – palmitic, stearic, myristic, oleic, and behenic acids, phytosterin; two alkaloids the mixture of which has the same action as epinephrine.
Commercial Use
- Oil, known as ben oil, extracted from flowers can be used as illuminant, ointment base, and absorbent in the enfleurage process of extracting volatile oils from flowers.
- The oil, applied locally, has also been helpful for arthritic pains, rheumatic and gouty joints.
- Flowers, leaves and pods eaten as a vegetable.
- Source of calcium, iron, phosphorus and vitamins.
- Young leaves increases the flow of milk. Pods for intestinal parasitism.
- Constipation: Leaves and fruit
- Decoction of boiled roots used to wash sores and ulcers.
- Decoction of the bark used for excitement, restlessness.
- Pounded roots used as poultice for inflammatory swelling.
- Juice of roots is used for otalgia.
- Decoction of roots is use as gargle for hoarseness and sore throat.
- Boiled leaves used to help increase lactation.
- Seeds for hypertension, gout, asthma, hiccups, and as a diuretic.
- Rheumatic complaints: Decoction of seeds; or, powdered roasted seeds applied to affected area.
- Juice of the root with milk used for asthma, hiccups, gout, lumbago.
- Poultice of leaves applied for glandular swelling.
- Pounded fresh leaves mixed with coconut oil applied to wounds and cuts.
- The flowers boiled with soy milk thought to have aphrodisiac quality.
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